Sunday, February 17, 2008

August Wilson Historic Designation


We've been very busy over here in the Historic Hill District.

And speaking of history, today at 1:00pm, City County Building, Downtown Pittsburgh

YOU can weigh in on what I wrote in my Revelations Column:

1. The Historic designation of August Wilson's birth home by City Council

2. The legislation offered by Rev. Ricky Burgess to correct the shadiness caused by a legislator/council member seeking to stop AW's historic designation.

3. The call for a full investigation on who and/or what pulled the legislation of the AW historic home designation and sought to pocket veto (bury it), thereby not allowing the home to come up for designation for five more years.

It's a shame. But we want to Hold Them To It!

If you can't make it, PLEASE CALL or EMAIL the City Clerk and register your thoughts:

Contact Info: City Clerk's Office
510 City - County Building
414 Grant St.Pittsburgh, PA 15219
(412) 255-2138

In addition, August Wilson's "Radio Golf" will finally be staged at the Public Theater, October 2 - November 2, 2008. Save the Dates!

By the way, I'd like for you to read what Pittsburghers have been talking about relative to the Hill, the AW home, etc. Let's start with my column:

Dr. Judy says: What an on the spot article. Last year I noticed an official Pittsburgh Website that listed all the famous people and under authors John Wideman was not listed. I emailed them to chide them and never received an email back. We need to celebrate all of our geniuses.

TKO says: Dr. Goddess is being coy, what she and her brother really want (as usual) is $$$$. There is already a nice monument to August Wilson downtown.

(Would someone mind sharing with TKO why preserving August Wilson's home might be remotely important; and would someone also share why having a center named for Wilson downtown is an honor but not quite the same as renovating his childhood home? Sheesh . . .)

And be sure to Read the Racism on Craig's List!


Bram Reichbaum said...

"In addition, August Wilson's "Radio Golf" will finally be staged at the Public Theater, October 2 - November 2, 2008. Save the Dates!"

Like, for the first time? Really? THIS IS INTENSELY IMPORTANT.

From what I understand, it has to do with developers on a golf course. Right?

Anonymous said...

do any black folk talk on the blogs. i don't see it but for a very few.

I would love to hear what people are thinking. I wanna hear from the AA commuity!!!!

All these white bloggers speculate and why not? There are no black folk here are there?. Hey Hill -- represent !!!!!!!Hey Homewood represent. Tell these MF'n politicians how you think they are all full of shit.

August Wilson knew how to write and tell the story. Who's telling the story now?

Oh yeah. and elect Carl Redwood to City Council.