Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Dr. Goddess Gets a Makeover: We've Moved!

Hey Folks,

I've thoroughly enjoyed my time here on Blogger, from the beginning of my years blogging since late 2007 (amazing, really, I had no idea what I was doing!) and now that I am much more clear of what I'm doing and how my blog is my business, I decided to "Become a Believer" in myself again and invest in a new website that fully incorporates my former website and this blog using Wordpress.

Three cheers for change! And you know we believe in change at Team Dr. Goddess!

So, I need you to embrace this change in three ways:

1. Please subscribe to my new blog:

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2. Please sign up for my Newsletter and Mailing List, so you'll know when I'm having auditions, casting calls, shows, Meetups, Tweetups and other Events in your area:

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3. Please click here and head on over to my new blog!

Thank you, loves, I appreciate you!


Dr. Goddess

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